The Influencer Marketing Industry: an 8 billion dollar pie
Currently it is estimated that the influencer marketing industry is an 8 billion dollar industry. Yes, I said billion. 8 of them. 8 billion dollars being spent this year just on influencer marketing (aka: influencers being paid by brands to promote products). And it’s projected to be 15 billion by 2022. That means the dollars that brands are spending will double in the next 3 years – which also means there will be more and more opportunities available. People often worry that they are “too late”. Like they didn’t get in at the right time and therefore they missed their chance. Don’t for one second believe that. Influencer marketing is still really new and in the grand scheme of things, it’s just getting started. So while yes, that girl who started in 2015 might seem to have a slight advantage over you right now, the influencer marketing industry as a whole is still in its infancy and it’s only going to keep growing. So START. Start NOW while this industry as a whole is still in its infancy. Did you catch what I said earlier about this being a 15 billion dollar industry in 2022. That’s a big pie. A REALLY big pie. And I want to help you get a piece of it! But in order to do that, you need to understand various streams of monetization, identify which ones are the best fit for your brand, know what to charge and how to effectively pitch and negotiate with brands so you’re getting paid what you’re worth (and hint: it’s a lot more than you probably think it is!).
How do I know what I’m talking about? Let me start by telling you this. And it’s probably not what you’re expecting to hear… I’m not special. I’m not. I wasn’t born into privilege or money. I have no formal training in interior design or marketing of any kind. I was a middle school teacher who made the decision to be a stay at home mom with my kids. I have no special connections, deep pockets or fancy degrees. And yet in the first nine months of this calendar year, I’ve already secured over $80,000 in brand collaborations, and that doesn’t even include what I made from teaching online courses that change people’s lives so that they too can make a living doing something they love. I’ve literally built a six-figure business from my home on my phone and I’m darn proud of that.
Many people in the industry are secretive about exactly how they make money and what they charge. It’s as though there’s a fear that if they tell you how they make money, it will somehow jeopardize their income. As though your ability to land collaborations will somehow take away from their opportunities. I say that’s b.s.. Because you guys, remember what I said about this industry…it’s an 8 billion dollar industry! And it’s growing rapidly! If this industry were a pie, it would be a big-ole-pie!!! I’m getting my slice of it and I want you to have your slice too if you’re willing to put in the work. I don’t need the whole darn pie. So pull up a seat at my table and let me show you how you can get a slice too!!